You might only eat this veggie at Thanksgiving, but sweet potatoes are full of nutrients that make them worth having all year.

 The truth is they’re not potatoes. They are naturally sweet roots in the morning glory family. Although Native Americans grew sweet potatoes when Columbus came to America in 1492, these veggies grew in Peru as early as 750 B.C. 

There are hundreds of types of sweet potatoes. Some have white or cream-colored flesh. Others are yellow, red, or purple. The “Covington” is the variety you’re most likely to find at the store. It has pink skin and bright orange pulp. 

While yams and sweet potatoes may look alike, a true yam is a tuber vegetable, like a regular potato. 


  • One Sweet potato
  • ½ Zuchchini
  • Mozarella Shredded cheese or Vegan chredded cheese
  • Shredded raw beet
  • Dried basil
  • Dried ginger
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil 


  • Preheat the oven to 350F
  • Place the sweet potatoes in an oven tray previously spread with the coconut oil
  • Slice the zucchini and place them on top of the sweet potatoes toast
  • Add the cheese
  • Place the tray in the oven for 3 to 5 minutes, don’t let the cheese to melt too much
  • Take the sweet potatoes out of the oven
  • Sparkle the toast with beets, basil and ginger 
